We need a $15 an hour minimum wage!
Dr. Mozhgan believes that you work hard enough! You should at least be allowed to live in the city where you work.
That means a $15 an hour minimum wage should be the law in Ann Arbor. The movement for $15 an hour has spread across the nation: https://www.usatoday. com/story/money/2019/12/23/ minimum-wage-hike-2020-pay- floor-rise-21-states-jan-1/ 2709875001/
The question you have to ask is this: How many hours do you work just to pay your rent in Ann Arbor?
If you make $15 an hour, that means your take-home pay is about $12.29 per hour.
At that rate, paying $1500 a month on rent, you’d have to work 122 hours just to keep a roof over your head.
In other words, we need at least a $15 an hour minimum wage now. That is only fair.